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My books
I love to read, write and learn. You can buy my books online or in-store at:
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The Pocket Atlas of Anatomy & Physiology
Introducing The Pocket Atlas of Anatomy & Physiology, a comprehensive resource that provides a thorough understanding of the basics of anatomy and physiology. This compact atlas is designed to be easily portable, making it the perfect quick reference tool for students and professionals alike as they study and work in the field.

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Therapists and Healthcare Professionals
A full-color, easy-to-understand introduction to anatomy, physiology, and pathology. It's designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the human body without overwhelming readers and has been adopted by colleges worldwide. With more than 300 clearly labeled color images, flow charts, diagrams, and tables, this book helps you visualize complex ideas and is an invaluable resource for therapists and healthcare professionals.

Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology Colouring and Workbook for Therapists and Healthcare Professionals
This is a comprehensive resource for anyone studying anatomy, physiology and pathology. With mock exam papers and coloring activities, it serves as a perfect learning and revision companion to aid in understanding and memorization. This workbook is designed to guide students through various study techniques, such as creating mind-maps, making it an essential tool for all students in the healthcare field.

The Complete Guide to Reflexology
Delving into the world of foot and hand reflexology, as well as meridian therapy, this essential resource includes case studies to help students develop interpretive diagnostic and treatment planning skills, as well as detailed anatomical drawings, zone and reflex maps, making it the most complete reflexology study guide available. Whether you're new to the field or a seasoned practitioner, this book offers valuable insights and practical knowledge for anyone interested in complementary healing modalities.

The Complete Guide to Reflexology Workbook
This valuable resource complements my popular textbook, The Complete Guide to Reflexology. Designed as a study and revision aid, this workbook is suitable for both classroom use and self-study. Whether you're a student or a practicing reflexologist looking to expand your knowledge, this workbook is a must-have for anyone interested in the healing art of reflexology.
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